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Efficient dispersion modeling in optical multimode fiber
S.-Y. Lee, V. J. Parot, B. E. Bouma, and M. Villiger
Light: Science & Applications, vol. 12, no. 1, (2023). pdf principal, pdf suplemento, link editorial, en las noticias
Video-based pooled screening yields improved far-red genetically encoded voltage indicators
H. Tian, H. C. Davis, J. D. Wong-Campos, P. Park, L. Z. Fan, B. Gmeiner, S. Begum, C. A. Werley, G. B. Borja, H. Upadhyay, H. Shah, J. Jacques, Y. Qi, V. Parot, K. Deisseroth and A. E. Cohen
Nature Methods (2023). leer el texto principal aquí, pdf suplemento, link editorial
Confocal 3d reflectance imaging through multimode fiber without wavefront shaping
S.-Y. Lee, V. J. Parot, B. E. Bouma, and M. Villiger
Optica, vol. 9, pp. 112–120, (2022). pdf principal, pdf suplemento, link editorial
Reciprocity-induced symmetry in the round-trip transmission through complex systems
S.-Y. Lee, V. J. Parot, B. E. Bouma, and M. Villiger
APL Photonics, vol. 5, p. 106104, (2020). pdf, link editorial
All-Optical Electrophysiology Reveals the Role of Lateral Inhibitionin Sensory Processing in Cortical Layer 1
L. Z. Fan, S. Kheifets, U. L. Bohm, H. Wu, K. D. Piatkevich, M. E. Xie, V. Parot, Y. Ha, K. E. Evans, E. S.Boyden, A. E. Takesian, and A. E. Cohen
Cell 180, 1–15 (2020). pdf, link editorial
All-optical electrophysiology reveals brain-state dependent changes in hippocampal subthreshold dynamics and excitability
Adam, Y., Kim, J.J., Lou, S., Zhao, Y., Xie, M.E., Brinks, D., Wu, H., Mostajo-Radji, M.A., Kheifets, S., Parot, V.J., Chettih, S., Williams, K.J., Gmeiner, B., Farhi, S.L., Madisen, L., Buchanan, E.K., Kinsella, I., Zhou, D. Paninski, L., Harvey, C.D., Zeng, H., Arlotta, P., Campbell, R.E. and Cohen, A.E.
Nature 569, 413-417 (2019). preprint pdf, link editorial, noticias de Harvard Chemistry
Compressed Hadamard Microscopy for high-speed optically sectioned neuronal activity recordings
Parot V.J.*, Sing-Long C.*, Adam Y., Böhm U.L., Fan L.Z., Farhi S.L. and Cohen A.E.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 144001, Special issue on neurophotonics (2019). pdf, link editorial
Wide-area all-optical neurophysiology in acute brain slices
Farhi, S.L.*, Parot, V.J.*, Grama, A., Yamagata, M., Abdelfattah, A.S., Adam, Y., Lou, S., Kim, J.J., Campbell, R.E., Cox, D.D. and Cohen, A.E.
Journal of Neuroscience, 0168-19 (2019). pdf, link editorial, portada
Genetically targeted all-optical electrophysiology with a transgenic Cre-dependent Optopatch mouse
S. Lou, Y. Adam, E.N. Weinstein, E. Williams, K. Williams, V. Parot, N. Kavokine, S. Liberles, L. Madisen, H. Zeng, and A.E. Cohen
Journal of Neuroscience, 36(43), pp.11059-11073 (2016). pdf principal, pdf suplementario, link editorial
Recovery and normalization of triple coincidences in PET
E. Lage, V. Parot, S. C. Moore, A. Sitek, J. M. Udías, S. R. Dave, M. Park, J. J. Vaquero and J. L. Herraiz
Med. Phys. 42, 1398 (2015). pdf, link editorial
Simulation of triple coincidences in PET
J. Cal-Gonzalez, E. Lage, E. Herranz, E. Vicente, J. Udias, S. Moore, M. Park, S. Dave, V. Parot and J. L. Herraiz
Phys. Med. Biol. 60, 117 (2014). pdf, link editorial
Three dimensional imaging techniques for improved colonoscopy
N. J. Durr, G. Gonzalez and V. Parot
Expert Review of Medical Devices, 11(2):105-107 (2014). pdf, link editorial
Photometric stereo endoscopy
V. Parot, D. Lim, G González, G. Traverso, N. S. Nishioka, B. J. Vakoc and N. J. Durr
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(7):076017-076017 (2013). pdf, link editorial, noticias de MIT
Application of the fractional fourier transform to image reconstruction in MRI
V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Lizama, C. Tejos, S. Uribe and P. Irarrazaval
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68:17–29 (2012). pdf, link editorial
Quantitative assessments of geometric errors for rapid prototyping in medical applications
C. Arrieta, S. Uribe, J. Ramos-Grez, A. Vargas, P. Irarrazaval, V. Parot and C. Tejos
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 18/6 (2012) 431–442. pdf, link editorial
Chemical species separation with simultaneous estimation of field map and T2* image using a k-space formulation
J. L. Honorato, V. Parot, C. Tejos, S. Uribe and P. Irarrazaval
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68:400–408 (2012). pdf, link editorial
The fractional Fourier transform and quadratic field magnetic resonance imaging
P. Irarrazaval, C. Lizama, V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 62, no. 3, Aug 2011, 1576-1590. pdf, link editorial
Extended Kalman filter estimates the contour length of a protein in single molecule atomic force microscopy experiments
V. I. Fernandez, P. Kosuri, V. Parot, J. M. Fernandez
Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 113104 (2009). pdf, link editorial
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Multiple scattering anisotropy contrast using localization-diverse OCT
V. J. Parot, T. M. Cannon, M. Villiger, N. Uribe-Patarroyo, and B. E. Bouma
Proceedings Volume 11657, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering XI; 116570A (2021). link editorial
Microsecond Timescale Selective Access Two-photon Targeting for Functional Measurements in Tissue
V. J. Parot*, S. Nichols*, G. Testa-Silva, and A. E. Cohen
Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, p. BTu1C.6 (2020). pdf, link editorial
A New Approach for Multiplexed PET Imaging
V. Parot, J. L. Herraiz, S. R. Dave, J. M. Udias, S. C. Moore, M.-A. Park, J. J. Vaquero, and E. Lage
IEEE NSS/MIC, p. M03.5, (2013). pdf
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All-optical neurophysiology using high-speed wide-area optical sectioning
Vicente J. Parot
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Application of the fractional Fourier transform to image reconstruction in MRI
Vicente J. Parot
Magíster, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Dic 2009. pdf
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Laboratorio Parot -
Imagen computacional para biología y medicina
Instituto de Ingeniería Biológica y Médica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Chile